I don't know about pool, a newbie totally..so we simply shoot the ball without following rules...for fun^ ^
We are growing as not a kid anymore, we have our own business to take care of instead of wandering around...By that time, I do miss our schooling moment, no burden, no pressure as long as we manage to study well...Now we all grown up, gotta take care of family and earn for a living. Different people different path...Where am I now? Online at Starbucks Bangsar Village. It's comfortable here...ease my mind...
Goodbye to my dearest friend, KooiHeong as she is leaving to Cambodia with her boyfriend to work on 26July2010, and build a lovely family on next year^ ^ We gonna miss her so much!!Yesterday KooiHeong, YenPing and me went to Kuchai Lama Shabu-Shabu^ ^ wish her all the best and farewell...we'll visit her on her wedding day...haha......

Did you see that? Vincy Chan on live show @ OverTime KL, 23July2010. My first time being at her live show, to promote her new album "预见?遇见". It was a great night^ ^OverTime serves fresh beer as it tastes good also...You gonna addicted to it...
I went to Jalan Ipoh to eat Dim Sum after leaving OverTime. Though late night but the restaurant was crowded. After that, return home and have a good sleep...
Now you see my bro is using my pinky laptop...hmm..from now onward, this pinky vaio belongs to my bro as he needs a notebook for study use, he doesn't really plan to have a new one instead, and kinda like this pinky as well...thus I buy MacBook Pro...Initially baba was feeling weird coz my bro likes pinky laptop, but bro said that pinky is unique as he prefers unique stuffs...he doesn't mind people thoughts as long as useful and convenient.
Though I'm not familiar with Mac , however I'm getting used to it now, adapting to Macintosh ^ ^ In fact, Mac is service friendly upon touchpad, shortcut key and systems. Autodesk is not compatible with Mac, this is my concern, as for other softwares, we still can get it in market, for instance..OpenOffice as it's important for my work. The worst thing is...my cellphone Vivaz-Sony Ericsson totally incompatible with my MacBook. I can't direct transfer files to my notebook...gotta get a PC to divert.
My current location...Malacca!! Starbucks at Mahkota Parade...Owing to some technical problem of Sembonia Mahkota Parade project, here we go...to have a look on progress of site..as those contractors need consultation from yf to resolve finishing problem.
OOppzz...I gotta go now...yf done and rushing me to leave starbucks..we are going to search 'lap lap chicken rice' hehe...

Aaaarrgghhhhh.....have you watch Twilight Eclipse movie recently? It's fantastic!!!! I love it damn much...oh my......addicted into Twilight series...You must watch it!! So romantic and fictional...Know what, I was dreaming all day & night long after the movie...Edward is very very thoughtful..an ideal lover.....