Lone Pine hotel, Penang

wow...nice ya! swimming pool with beach as well...solely reserved for lone pine guests^ ^
during my stay, there was no local people in the hotel, only surrounded by foreigners such as australian, british, american and others...hence we seemed outstanding among them..haha..perhaps they feel strange on us as we are the only local except crew...

lobby...waiting for check in...

It's huge!!!!! wonder how many years of this tree!
We should appreciate & protect it out of harm...
as mother nature need our helps...before critical stage..to save the Earth..
further pollution harm the Earth and leads to disaster upon human being...
green awareness to alert before it's too late.

during night work at Suria KLCC for Popilla restaurant @ level 2 foodcourt. Due to some obstacles, all sitting at KLCC entrance to discuss solution as everyone seems upset...they are glass installer, carpenter, supervisor & designer...They are only able to proceed work further as long as manage to solve some technical problems cooperatively..
Thus, teamwork & communication are important in order to complete project on time.
oh goshhhh...do you know how many types of cough medicine that I've tried within these 2 weeks? sigh...let me count...one, two...three......four and five...5 in total!!!!! take 2 types of cough medicine per week in average. It sounds like overdose huh....haih........what to do...Today I get the fifth kind to try, hopefully it will be effective against the stubborn virus in my body....*pray sincerely*
Such a cool weather these days, cloudy and rainy day...guess it would be hot and shinny day during CNY as coming upon...
well..what's your plan during CNY? how are you going to spend your holiday? balik kampung? nah! my kampung in KL, perhaps I will be going to visit my nanny in Perak during CNY...kinda miss her badly, wonder when was the last meeting with her...sigh...am I 'heartless'? hmm...guess so....did plan to have a visit on her ended up failure due to work. However, I must carry out this time! No excuse anymore...
First of all, hApPy NeW yEaR 2011 to everyone! and...what's your new resolution?hmm...my very first wish for this new year was...God, grant me good health pleaseeeeee....I was ill since x'mas Dec2010 and yet to recover...
Initially I was suffering from sore-throat till voiceless...following set 'package' attacked me, cough, running nose and fever...
Visited 2 different doctors to cure my sickness...but still cough.....
Hoping that I'll get well soon......sigh.....