new mobile phone^ ^ but....not mine, it belongs to my lou gong zhai.eventually he changed phone, the old one was slowpoke, and outdated...he doesn't need an android phone but a camera phone with basic use will do...
this one not bad also^ ^ Sony Ericsson C903

human being...what a complex...with mixture of emotion, expression, action, could you predict a 'human'? some are cunning, else passionate, and many other different kinds will never differentiate the 'black' and 'white' yet the 'grey'...
it's not easy to build and maintain the relationship among humans..sort of friendship and love...we pay our sincerity upon our besties and loves, yet we are afraid of being hurt and failure in do we cope this? well...learn and improve in lesson, do our best and be positive..somehow, be tough to succeed... what if we cant overcome the obstacle? failed and failed again...any paths also leads us to nowhere....any idea?
..been chasing by someone to update my blog...haha..recently im very lazy here..will only got oomph to update blog when mood swinging...what about now? at Subway online, got nothing to do so feel like typing in my blog.
actually nothing special, hence I also dunno what to tell here, brain stuck...
oh ya!!! I'm watching Three Kingdoms nowadays, it's a nice drama! though presented by China & Taiwan, but very impressive. I like it much ^ ^ addicted and irresistible...good to learn and grasp intensively about China history thru the drama, recommended to watch it, no regret...