24July is our bbf, ChiaLee's birthday^ ^ we celebrated in advance to have dinner together.Shane was singing birthday song to mommy~
Thanks to PeyMun to buy this cake coz it's very scrumptious!! This fruit pudding cake from RT Pastry House @ IOI Boulevard Puchong, recommended to have a try...
recently no inspiration, no mood, no motivation...yet.....I saw these in my laptop, which reminisce our past...and cheer me up
the first impression across my mind was..he is very cute! even thousand times I've view this, yet still very lovely to me^ ^
`2010, hilarious hahaha..

`2010, tasting his favourite cendol^ ^

`2010, eating at Sakae Sushi...

`2011, present, at Starbucks..drinking orange juice while smiling at me...hehe...
well, did you realize that his hairstyle is different from past? ^ ^
errghhhh...I've been sick for week, sorethroat following cough and flu...kinda suffering while sleeping, can't sleep well as I keep coughing atnight..even worse after seeing doctor..sigh....
my medicine is mild coz I can't take heavy kind now..hoping that I will get well soon...
very moody while I was ill...gotta cheer up and rest well...retrieve my health power!!!!!