can't believe that I was there...and I'm the only pregnant lady...hubby's bro got extra free tickets so we access with free drink^ ^ starker lager for my hubby, and...coke for myself..coz I can't take liquor...
hubby's mom also go along with us, she is the eldest among all of us... the bouncer is curious on her appearance and attire..haha.....
however, we just stayed for 2 hours, ended up we left while the competition was ongoing, coz kinda boring and smoky there.

familiar with this?^ ^ you'll get to know 'him' if ever watch Spongebob Squarepants^ ^
yea...'he' is best friend of Spongebob, named Patrick. However, I still dunno what 'he' is...perhaps...a starfish? or a kind of parasite? no I know, 'he' is very clumsy, and hilarious hahaha...
I received this on my birthday..from my hubby^ ^ glad that he still manages to get me a present though he is busy recently, 'it' is cute and soft to embrace..
the reason he bought this because....'it' looks like me somehow ==" 'its' belly button and tummy similar as mine, he said.
but I do like 'his' head..hehe....cute huh..^ ^
I love 'it' much, thanks hubby...